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Building a website requires 3 languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript.
What is HTML?
Keep in mind that there is more HTML tags. However, this is the basics you will need to make a website.
What is CSS?
What is Javascript?
First off, if you are a software developer or learning how to code. Give yourself a pat in the back. Seriously.
You are awesome!
Don't ever forget that!
So, what is a software developer?
A software developer is someone who creates computer software including the design and testing of a software such as mobile apps, desktop apps, or websites.
An example will be this website that I designed and created for you.
Being a software developer is a talented skill to have and requires a shit ton of patience and perseverance. It also requires you to be detail oriented and have a passion for technology.
I also want to mention that at some point in your life you might be discouraged to learn how to code or have self doubt in your software career.
This is normal. As a matter of fact many programmers face imposter syndrome at some point in his or her life. So, please do not be discouraged.
You are never too late to start learning how to code.
Just remember nobody in this world cannot take away your knowledge.
Lastly, tech is changing rapidly and many programmers must upgrade his or her skills in order to stay competitive and up to date in the software industry.
There is too much hype in this field. So, let me start off by stating the truth about majoring in Computer Science
First off, if you have a delusional mentality about how rich you will be after graduating then pursuing this field is like running into a brick wall. 😅
Studying computer science requires hard work!
There is no luck in this field.
You must have a deep passion for technology.
Like I said before, the greater the passion you have, the more self-driven you will become even if the odds are against you.
You must be an over achiever if you really want to be a software engineer.
Do you think I am exaggerating? 😂 😂 😂 😂
Let me explain why you think I might be exaggerating. Most school focuses on the theoretical concept of computer science.
Of course, this is critical and highly important because without it you cannot proceed into learning how to code.
But, learning theory is not enough to be employed as a software engineer.
You must create your own self project outside of school in order to prove the world that you are good enough.
This means developing projects for free. Yes, FREE!
This means grinding past midnight and creating your own self projects instead of just doing the minimal amount of work.
The best programmers tend to be hobbyist because he or she creates software at an every day basis.
Do not be discouraged though. If you have a deep passion for technology nothing will stop you.
Welcome to the programmer's world.
The faster you fail the higher chance you will succeed.
Let's be honest. Failing sucks! But you can learn from your failures and enable yourself to think wisely and intelligently. Failures applies to everything in life not just school.
Learn to embrace failure.
This will take some time to get use to because as a human beings we tend to fear change. We tend to avoid change. We fear rejection.
In simple terms, you cannot be successful or want to be successful without taking the failures.
You must learn to love failure.
You must love eating the dirt in order to reach your end goal.
Do not take failure as a pessimistic view and give up because of it.
I have failed in many things in my life. This blog has a high chance of failing. But, I'm still creating this blog because I can still learn something from it. I can probably help someone out who is reading this. Besides, I'm learning to code and building up my portfolio.
So, basically Im killing two birds with one stone.
Take care. 😁
If you are reading this, I just want to let you know you are not alone.
I also want to let you know that this feeling is only temporary and only you have the ability to change it.
You may feel a lot of pressure in today's society.
I do too! Believe me.
I believe many of you who are going through this are mentally beating yourself up.
Take a break. Go out for a walk.
Refresh your mind.
It is going to be OK. 👌 👌
Keep trying and never give up!
Be patient in whatever you are trying to accomplish.
Stop comparing yourself to others. Life is not a race.
Focus on building yourself. Focus on self improving yourself.
Social media may be tackling your emotions by seeing someone flexing.
But who cares!!
Social media is only a 1 dimension world!
Follow your dreams and passion.
Life is hard and giving up will not solve anything and will only slow you down.
Keep persevering.
It will all get better. 👌
It is a marathon. Not a race.
Take care of yourself 😎
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Stay Grinding.